Monday, March 23, 2009

The slipper didn't fit Cinderella

Hi There. Well we're down to the Sweet 16. Of who's left nobody surprises me. To use the horse racing term there's a lot of chalk. 5 Big East, 3 Big 12, the usual two from the ACC. As for my brackets. I took two major hits. Clemson and Wake Forest. Clemson lost a tight 7/10 game that went down to the wire. As for Wake Forest, talk about a shot to the groin. Did Cleveland State bring back Kevin "Mouse" McFadden? Outside of the Vikings, there really was no Cinderella this year. I'm sorry but Arizona and Wisconsin or any other power conference teams that get a low seed doesn't count. Siena, not a Cinderella. They had a great year and the out of conference schedule they played included Pittsburgh, Kansas and Tennessee all on the road. They were battle tested and I wanted them so badly to knock off Louisville. They played a great game. I liked Rick Pitino a lot better when he was coaching at Providence 21 years ago. As I wrote last week, my big concern is some big power conference team who needs a breath of fresh air for it's basketball program will come a courtin' Fran McCaffrey. Don't fall for it Fran. There's an old saying. The grass is always greener my a--.
President Obama filled out a NCAA bracket and the country had a fit over it. You're kidding me right? By the way Mr. President, I'm cordially inviting you to join team 'CKM when we bowl April 5th at Bowl for Kids Sake. I also want to thank AMF300 for coming through for us this year and donating a bowling ball for us to auction off. When the ball comes, we'll let you know when the auction will take place.
While listening to the radio this morning, I heard the U.S. lost to Japan in the semi's of the World Baseball Classic. Wait a second, there was a World Baseball Classic?
The football Giants announced that if Plaxico Burress comes out unscathed from his court appearance on the 31st and doesn't get suspended by Roger Goodell he will be welcomed back to the team with open arms. Note to Jerry Reese and let me spell it out for you: K-E-N-N-Y B-R-I-T-T. Eli needs some tall bodies to throw the ball too. Not only is Plaxico unsure of coming back, but Amani Toomer is not coming back. Giants fans here are your receivers. Steve Smith, Domomick Hixon, David Tyree, Sinorice Moss and Mario Manningham. Not the most intimidating group of ball catchers are they?
Well it took about 3 weeks but yesterday I finally had a good Body Combat workout in the new group fitness room at the gym. The floor felt broken in and scuffed enough that I wasn't sliding.
In reading the show prep we use here at the radio station, in a study done by it revealed that 50 percent of men would rather date an attractive woman than a smart one. The main reason being they felt pressure to impress their friends. 80 percent of men said they are intimidated by smart women. Now there's a revelation we've never heard before. I could have told you that. It's simple human nature. You want to impress people and notice you. You've got an attractive girl or boy friend, people take notice. Having a great looking car is another one of those things. You tend to notice the Porsche, Jag, Beemer or other luxury cars over the Malibu or Taurus. My problem is I want them both. The brains and looks in one package. Is there anything so wrong with that?
Two episodes of "How I Met your Mother" tonight...Leccese out.

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