Sunday, March 13, 2011

Taking in a lot of hockey and some other random thoughts

Hi there. Did you remember to set your clocks ahead an hour? Just relaxing and sitting in front of the laptop after a long Saturday of watching hockey. Don't get me wrong I love the game and could do nothing all day but watch marathons on NHL Network or MSG. It was the trip to Utica and back that wore me out. You want to why going to state tournaments are special. The volunteers. Those people are the backbone of what makes these events great. I saw people who I haven't seen in a couple years remember me and there was such a good vibe in the building. I've watched the Queensbury Spartans play all year and trust me it was shock to the system to see them dominated and humbled by one tough Cazenovia team. I want thank Scott Stuart, Dean Williams and those kids on the QHS team for a great year and it was a pleasure and privilege calling your games.
If the head coaches at RPI, Union, or for that matter any Division 1 hockey program read this blog; you'll have a hard time convincing me that Kevin Valenti isn't good enough to play on your teams.
I want to also thank the listeners for their patience about the delay at the start. The Queensbury game was the second of the day and was scheduled for 12:30. However the first game went into overtime, plus their was a 30 minute delay when a pain of glass broke and needed to be taken care of. John and I were just as anxious to get going.
Two more notes about Utica. I find hard to believe that no other city bid against Utica for the rights to the State hockey championships. And no matter how much paint or polish you give to it, the Aud is still a dump.
I have one more high school hockey game to think about. My alma mater Middletown South is playing in a NJ state championship game today. GO EAGLES!
On to the Phantoms. Great job with the Hall of Fame ceremonies Saturday night. Barry Melrose, Jody Gage and Hugo Belanger were well deserved inductees. They are the epitome of class and what makes Glens Falls a great hockey town. Hugo was one of a few reasons you wanted to watch the Icehawks/Frostbite play. I wish I could have met Jody Gage. Note to Coach Melrose. When are you going introduce me to John Saunders so I can beg him to put me on The Sports Reporters?
I'm liking Dax more and more, but I'm still not convinced that he's really a beaver.
Yes, I will be renewing my Phantom season ticket for next year as soon as my tax refund comes.
Jimmer Fredette went off on New Mexico for 52 points Friday night! What a stupid idea to go to bed early.
I wish Big East football was more like Big East basketball.
Unfortunately life isn't fair and many times it deals you a real crappy hand on occasion. That's how I feel about the tragedy that happend to that kid from Michigan Wes Leonard. Made a game winning shot in a big high school basketball game and loses his life right after due to an enlarged heart. It also happened locally to a kid named Cole Roque from Whitehall who was studying at RPI and was one hell of a football player.
The Greenhouse Effect is officially a Charlie Sheen and NFL Collective Bargaining Agreement free zone. No more mentions for either of them til sanity, a settlement or labor deal is done.
I'm not cuckoo for the new Cocoa Puff donut! Not chocolaty enough for my taste buds.
Bowl for Kids Sake is next Sunday and you can donate to team CKM at our Facebook page or be listening to Hits 95 Nine for the annual Bowling Ball auction. Thanks to Eric Thomas and the folks at 900 Global for the donation. This years bowling ball looks just like a soccer ball. It's cool looking, trust me. Unfortunately, I won't be bowling this year unless my chiropractor performs a miracle on my back in the next 7 days. I've mentioned on more than one occasion that Bowl for Kids Sake is my favorite thing we do here at the radio station. I'll have to admit it's been a really frustrating time for me recently. I just want this stupid head cold, congestion thing to go away for good and my back to get better so I can golf and go to the gym to workout and take fitness classes. I really miss seeing my friends there and you know who you are. I've been befriending and sending friend requests to you on Facebook.
Bracketology coming up later in the week...Leccese out.

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