Sunday, March 4, 2012

Happy Birthday, Jerry Hicks

Hi there.  Hard to believe that its March already.  Spring training baseball, the NCAA Men's basketball tournament and finally winter arrived on the first day of the month with 12 inches of snow at the home office here on Darrowsville Road at the Warrensburg/Chestertown border.
I thought it might be a rather boring week, but we've got some good stuff to talk about.
Leading off is Angelina Jolie's Oscar pose where she showed off a little too much leg and thigh for some people. Outside of having a great personality and intelligence, the two parts of a woman's body that I find most attractive are their legs and shoulders. (I explain that one some other time).  I had no problem with it.  I would have been outraged if Ms.Jolie had shown the tattoo that was a tribute at one point to her former husband Billy Bob Thorton.  She also had a necklace with a vial of his blood that she wore around her neck.  You think Angelina could do one of those Judd Apatow off beat romantic comedy type movies with someone like Paul Ruud or Ryan Reynolds?  Ponder that one for a while.
I saw the Superbowl commercial featuring Mean Joe Greene spoofing his classic Coca Cola ad this time selling some Downey product that makes your clothes smell better.  I found it so wrong and not funny.
Last week it was Ben and Jerry's over a flavor of frozen yogurt, this week its Disney.  They are in the process of introducing a new attraction in Epcot Center that will promote a healthier lifestyle and help in the fight against childhood obesity.  The "villains" are overweight and called Lead Bottom and Snacker.  They eat junk food and watch television.  The National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance claims its insensitive and promotes negative stereotypes.  Everything seems to be insensitive and promote negative stereotypes these days!  So Disney has decided to cave in and re-tool the exhibit.  Hopefully they'll also re-tool the heroes called Will Power and Callie Stenics! Great names.  You'll think they'll change them because they're being insensitive to my higher than average level of intelligence?  Chalk another one up for the PC police.
Finally played Angry Birds.  Haven't got addicted to it yet.  I'll stick to Texas Hold 'em and 3D Slots.
Props to Dan and Pete for the interview they did with Bobby Dick Thursday morning in regards to the passing of Davy Jones of the Monkees.  Look, the Monkees were cool, funny, and the music they did was good stuff written by some great songwriters and musicians.  However, I think we've all heard "Daydream Believer" way too much the past few days.  I'll stick to 'Valleri" or "A little bit me, a little bit you."
My high school alma mater in NJ last weekend played for the big school Shore Conference ice hockey championship.  The game ended in a 4-4 tie after regulation and a 5 minute overtime.  The powers that be decided to end the game at that point and declare co-champions.  No shoot out, no 2nd OT or how many OT's it would take to win it.  The PC police must have had a hand in that one before they went after Disney.  "You played a great a game guys, you're both winners in our opinion!  Let's share the title."
Oops, sorry having a relapse of sarcasm throughout this entry.  Better call my life coach and let him know what's been happening.  I've been doing so well for these 2 months up until this point.
$395,000 dollars.  Good job kids at South Glens Falls High School with your Marathon dance.  It's nice to see a good story among all the negative ones that seem to involve bullying, or this week about a 10 year old girl who died after a fight with another female classmate over a boy.  10 years old!
Sorry to see Queensbury lose to Saranac Lake in the hockey regionals.  On a good note, I don't have to go to Utica this year!
Finally, if you see Jerry Hicks today or tomorrow, wish him a Happy Birthday.  Good friend and a good person...Leccese out.

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