Thursday, June 14, 2012

Taking in orphans like I do every year

Hi there. Only 60 days til the start of high school football practice and 79 days til the first game of the year on 1450 WWSC.
Leading off this entry is the Belmont Stakes.  I'll Have Another is retired after vets found tendinitis in one of his front legs.  Look we all know about the suspension and past history of trainer Doug O'Neill, but I honestly believe the horse was not fit to run properly.  Could he have run? Yeah I think so, but I wouldn't have taken the chance.  We've seen so many of these horses breakdown and have to be put down afterward.  Not worth the risk.  Besides, you win a couple of Triple Crown races and you're headed off to stud.  Not a bad gig if you can get it.  
Got to be happy for the Los Angeles Kings and their Stanley Cup championship victory over the Devils.  Jack Kent Cooke who was the original owner of the team, was told that there were over 300,000 Canadians living in the L.A. area.  Frustrated by the attendance figures at home games he replied, "Now I know why they left, they hated hockey!"  Somewhere in heaven he's smiling right now.
No comment or prediction on the NBA championship series after "The Leccese Curse" reared its ugly head in last weeks entry.
Last week I talked about the leaky water heater located in the bedroom closet and I have an update for you on that situation. Had a new one installed earlier this week.  There was a positive, I haven't had the carpet installed in the bedroom yet so I didn't have to replace that after only 6 months too.
It's the middle of June and I haven't played golf on a real course yet.  The only golf I've been playing is World Golf Tour on my laptop.
 Here is another reason why I don't have either a girlfriend or wife.  Last week a female friend got a new hairstyle.  She asked me for the, "male perspective" and what I thought of her new look. You can find much better candidates than me for the, "male perspective."  Before I reveal my reply, I think this person is attractive to begin with, so anything she would have done with her hair would have looked good to me.  My reply (drum roll inserted here)..."It looks fine."  Not the response she or any female would be looking for.  To make a long story short, she wanted to hear that I loved it.  It brought back the nightmare of going to weddings and the bride pulls you aside during the reception to either dance with you or ask for the "male perspective" on what you think of her wedding dress.  I am so bad when it comes to picking up the subtle hints or signals that females send out.  A woman could hit me in the head with one of those lawn signs so see everywhere that would read, "Kenny, I'm interested or attracted to you.  Would you like to get together sometime?"  I would be totally oblivious and unaware of what her intentions were.  It has happened.  Just ask Dan and Pete.  They've seen it.  Remember Dan Miner has known me for 23 years.  He's got stories.
From our show prep files comes this one.  Two women were arrested for showing off their assets and flashing and distracting golfers on an Illinois golf course.  Another case where if I was getting ready to hit a shot and one of my friends pointed that out, I would probably ignore the two ladies, hit my shot and wonder, "If my ball lands over there, would I have to take a penalty stroke if I move the ball back two club lengths or should I just play the ball where it lies."
This happens to my garden every year.  I start out planting 5 or 6 tomato plants with room for additional plants.  I eventually end up getting a couple of orphaned plants who need a good home from friends. I can't say no and so I take them.  Case in point.  Frank from Gardentime comes in Tuesday afternoon to cut a radio spot.  We start talking and he says to me, "Stop in and see me.  I have a couple tomato plants to give you."  I really didn't want them, but I couldn't turn down the generosity of a friend.  Now I have 8 tomato plants.  My garden is like Thanksgiving day.  Every year you plan to cut back on the amount of food you're going to make, but in the end you make the same amount or even more.  I say I'm not going to plant as much, but I end up growing the same amount or a little bit more.  Good thing I have plenty of friends who will gladly take the extra tomatoes off my hands come harvest time.  The line at the counter will be starting soon if it hasn't already.  Take a number please and wait til you're called.  No fighting in line either.
Sending out "freak" love to everyone at Core like I do everyone now and then.  You're the best.  Don't ever forget that.
Finally I want to wish all the Dads out there a Happy Fathers Day.  Also all you Uncles too.  I'm lucky not just to have a great Dad, but to have had so many Uncles in my life who have been there for me and made me a better person...Leccese out.

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