Hi there. This was supposed to be one of those funny entries to celebrate the 300th edition of The Greenhouse Effect, instead the witty observations will get lost in the events that happened yesterday.
It was gonna be my first "football free" Saturday in a long time. Didn't have to worry about what the local high schools were doing since the season is now over. Rutgers played Thursday night (still depressed and getting over that one, LOL) and I wasn't gonna watch any of the major conference championship games on television. I did my 3 hours on Hits 95 Nine which I do every Saturday morning, headed to the local office supply store to pick up a ream of printer paper and then duck under the covers of my bed and not come out unless it was an emergency or my kitty wanted to hang out and play.
I turn on my computer later in the day and at the top of the one pages was the headline about KC Chiefs linebacker Jovan Belcher killing the girlfriend of his 3 month old daughter following an argument and then turning the gun on himself at the Chiefs practice facility. I'm shocked and speechless at the same time. One day someone is going to have to explain to this innocent little girl why her daddy killed mommy and himself because he couldn't control his temper. It happens in all walks of life and it's just plain wrong no matter who does it. A strange coincidence was earlier in the week I'm watching Real Sports on HBO and Bryant Gumbel did a story on Rae Carruth, a talented wide receiver who hired a hit man to kill his pregnant girl friend because she didn't want to give up the child. Both the hit man and Carruth are in jail. Carruth denies he did anything wrong because he wasn't there and didn't pull the trigger. He scheduled to get out in 5 years. The unborn child survived his moms murder and suffers from cerebral palsy.
To quote Mr.Gumbel, "On to other things."
Former college hoops coach Rick Majerus passed away yesterday at the age of 64. He was an assistant with Al McGuire at Marquette and had some pretty good teams while coaching the University of Utah. We always seem to lose the good guys way too soon.
Spurs coach Greg Popovich decides to send 4 of his star players home to rest up after going through a long road trip and they happen to miss a game Thursday night. Would David Stern had ripped him a new a-- and fined the team 250 thousand big ones if the game hadn't been on national cable television and against the defending champion Miami Heat? I don't think so. The players association didn't even complain that the players had to fly commercial. Stop sipping the Jim Jones special Kool-Aid, commish and lighten up.
David Wright is worth the 8 year, 138 million dollar contract the Mets gave him, just like the big contract the Yankees gave Derek Jeter. Sometimes its O.K. to overpay an athlete because they mean more to a team than just wins, losses, and championships.
What does it say about the state of the economy when Hostess and Wonder Bread, two iconic American pop culture brands filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection and are going out of business?
First it was Charlie Sheen and now Angus T.Jones. In a video testimonial for the Forerunner Christian Church, he ripped 2 1/2 Men and asked people to stop watching it. Apparently Angus has gone through some rough patches along his journey into adult hood recently and in cleaning his act up has found spirituality through this Christian organization. There's an old saying, "Don't bite the hand that feeds you." or try this one, 'Think before you speak." This whole thing would make for a great episode of Uncle Charlie's new show, "Anger Management." Child star going off on a rant of the current show he's been on for 10 years making 350 grand per episode and having to get out the PR machine to apologize for the "misunderstanding and things that were taken out of context" like stuff.
The folks are back from South Carolina for a month, and they've planned next years trip. This year they went to China, 2013 it's Disney World! Remember they are grand parents. No I will not be going to complete the family vacation thing. I'm too old and childless to want to go to Disney. Thanks for the invite though, Uncle Walt.
The other day I had one of those Homer Simpson, "d'oh" moments. I'm in a local grocery store re-stocking the home and office green tea supply when I pick out a box and drop it in my cart. Then a foot or two down the shelf I see something that really looks neat that I've haven't seen before, but it kind of looked familiar. It was the same tea flavor only in decaf. I put the caffeinated stuff back on the shelf.
Enough with bringing back Clark and Ellen Griswold in tv commercials. The Superbowl commercial for the hotel thing was great. The new Old Navy ad, not so great. Just make the new movie with Rusty or Audrey going to Wally World with their kids on the car trip from hell and visiting Cousin Eddie and Grampa Clark and Grandma Ellen along the way please!
The so called "overlords" of golf namely the Royal and Ancient in Scotland and the U.S.G.A have decided to wage war against belly and long putters. They have begun the phasing out and banning of certain putting strokes in which the putter is "anchored" against the body. I use a belly putter and I will gladly give mine up when golfs' rule makers also do something about golf ball technology and those drivers whose heads are the size of lawn bowling balls and are made of metals that the military and NASA uses to protect its soldiers and astronauts.
I'm kind of glad that we've haven't blindsided our listeners on Hits 95 Nine or 98 Five 'CKM with Christmas music yet. Be patient, it will be coming in small doses.
Finally, if it seems too good to be true, it usually is...Leccese out.
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