Thursday, April 18, 2013

Thursday Thoughts

Hi there.  So did you get your taxes filed in time?  One of the good things about having a parent who is a CPA I never have to worry about that.
It's really been a quiet couple of weeks.  Nothing to say, "you've got be kidding me" or "you can't be serious."  It's been more of the serious side lately.
Leading off is, "The Masters" and congrats to Adam Scott and even more congrats to Angel Cabrera for his class.  Of course Eldrick Woods would have to steal the headlines with his illegal drop on the 15th hole during Friday's round.  Should he have been disqualified?  I have no idea or opinion on the matter.  I do know that golf is the only sport where a television viewer can call up and point out a rules violation and have a golfer DQed.  I wish I could do that when I watch the NBA or MLB.  "Hey ref, I'm a first time long time.  Check out the video you missed that charge!"
My respect for Bristol Tech's "Outside the Lines" took a major hit when they showed the video of Rutgers hoop coach Mike Rice's psycho act during practice and the eventual avalanche of protest that followed.  What Rice did was totally wrong. However, what has made me angry about this whole affair was that AD Tim Pernetti had punished Rice.  We tend to over react in this politically correct time we live in.  We just couldn't let it go could we.  The more we saw these acts, the more it incensed us and Pernetti and others were forced to resign as well as Rice being fired.  
Dan Miner has been my friend for almost 25 years and trust me in all the years we've talked, having a bobble head doll made in our likeness has never been brought up.  There is and has been a lot stuff on our bucket lists, that one would be way down on the list.  What's interesting about how Dan does his job at games, is that he is more of a traditionalist when it comes to that sort of stuff.  The P.A. announcers job has evolved into being a cheerleader.  Before Dan took over for Greg Patrei, we would go to other arenas and mock the P.A. guy for the over the top style.
We lost two giants this week with the passing of comedian Jonathan Winters and play by play man Pat Summerall.  
Unless I cave in and go either Friday or Saturday night, I've made it through the year without seeing the Phantoms play at home.  
Finally,  I hope the sick individuals who decided to blow up a couple of pressure cookers loaded with nails, bb's and other nasty things at the finish line of the Boston Marathon Monday get caught quickly and the judge looks the defense attorney square in the eye and says, "Don't even think about using by reason of insanity."  Heal fast Boston.   We've got your back...Leccese out.

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