Friday, February 25, 2011

In search of the elusive Meatball Sub after a blizzard

Hi there. Well just when you thought we've had enough snow to last us for a while, guess what happens? A good 12 inches gets dumped on us as we head into March. So here I am at home after the drive from downtown Glens Falls. The new SUV is very adept in snow I might add. So I didn't want to cook tonight and I was also in the mood for something quick and easy. I decided to get just a meatball sub. I go the national franchise chain place where I have enough points on my card that I don't have to pay for it and was disappointed to find out that the two locations I stopped into didn't have any meatballs left. Bummer. On to other things.
Note to Charlie Sheen. Go back into detox and when you're thoroughly dried out, get on your knees and start kissing the ring of Chuck Lorre. You're killing that cash cow of a sitcom you star in and trust me nobody wants to hire you the way you're acting in public now. Nobody I know is clamoring for "Major League 4" or "Hot Shots, 3 is a magic number!"
Did anybody realize that last Sunday was "Hockey Day in America?"
So Dax is a beaver? I wouldn't have guessed that in a million years. No really, he's a beaver?
The Phantoms actually paid that guy to fly in from L.A.; dance around like a fool and throw t-shirts to the crowd last Friday night! Where's Claude Scott and his trumpet when you need him.
Got sectional hockey tomorrow and that means no trip down to Hudson Valley Community College for sectional basketball. The McDonough Center gym is huge and the shooters backdrop can be as bad as the Civic Center's.
Jimmer Fredette is on tv Saturday at 2pm on CBS.
Finally got the DVD of Billy Joel's "Last Play at Shea." Just seeing the parts with Paul McCartney was worth the price alone. Great watch. Enjoy the weekend...Leccese out

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