Friday, May 8, 2009

To boldly go where no entry has gone before

Hi there. Well with Mother's day coming up Sunday here's a little tribute to my mom Kathy since I won't be seeing her until sometime next week. The parents are actually coming home for a while. The weather has become nice enough for them. Now if we could only do something about the black flies and mosquitos.
I'm very lucky to have a great Mom and Dad whom I both like and get along with and are still together after all these years. They tried to mold me and my sister into something, but instead created a pair of Jackson Pollack paintings. You know throwing and swirling the paint all over the canvass making a big mess and afterward collectively scratching their heads trying to figure out what the hell they turned out.
A lot of my interests come from my Mom. Cooking, gardening, sports, golf, and believe it or not, Star Trek. Sorry all you single women out there who are not already under the spell of the ladies man Mike Dubray, but instead are slightly curious by yours truly. One of my many red flags is the fact that I like Star Trek. I'm a fan of the series " The Next Generation" and my favorite Trek movies are "Wrath of Khan" and "First Contact." I am going to see the new movie with Mom as part of her Mothers day present. My parents have been to Las Vegas a couple of times with friends and they tried to convince Kathy to go to the Hilton where "The Star Trek Experience" was. She wouldn't go, because like the good Mom she is, she was hoping I would make the trip to Nevada and we would go see it together. Its no longer at the Hilton and I got an ear full about that one. She wasn't too happy about it.
So to all you Moms out there. Happy Mothers Day. Live long and prosper.

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