Monday, February 15, 2010

Some Cabin Fever Thoughts on this the day after Valentine's Day

Hi there. Well here it is, President's Day. I thought it was next weekend? Boy was I wrong. One note of interest about football until draft time in April. The preliminary 2010 high school football schedule came out and there were some fascinating developments in Section 2 for next season. The first being re-classification. A bunch of teams moved up including Schuylerville who finally goes to Class B. After all the talk of Lake George and them dropping to Class D, what happens? The new numbers came out and they've been moved back up to Class C along with Greenwich. Guess what school dropped down? If you said Cambridge. Congrats, you move on to the bonus round. We might as well just pencil them in to make that trip to Dietz Stadium the second or third week of November right now.
One more thing. If the schedule holds to form, here's WWSC's opening game on Saturday September 4th. Hudson Falls and Glens Falls on the turf at Putt LaMay field in the "Jug Game." With the odd number of teams in Class A and B they'll be playing crossovers.
It was a pretty good sports watching weekend for all you guys who are going through the having no football to watch withdrawal. The Daytona 500, Winter Olympics, Pebble Beach Golf and the NBA All-Star Game is not everyones cup of beer and wings. It will have to do though. Remember guys, you could be out mowing the lawn or tackling that "Honey Do" list.
Congrats to Jamie McMurray and his win at Daytona. So I go to the Phantoms game around 1:30 so I could do some grocery shopping before I head to the Civic Center. After the game I turn on sports radio stations so I could get the results and I find that the race had been red flagged. Not once, but twice. I'm thinking it was one of those big restrictor plate crashes. Oh they happened alright, but they didn't cause the festivities to be red flagged. Nope, the race was stopped for potholes on the famed banked oval! Where's a DPW crew when you need them. I get home and the race is still going on and it seemed every time there was a re-start, two laps later another wreck. I think I counted 2 or 3 times it was supposed to be a green, white, checker finish. It took them 6 hours and change to finish the race. At least Fox didn't have show an hour of Brothers or 'til Death. The length of the race actually took them right up to the Simpsons at 8pm.
Since I don't care about the Association and the 108 thousand people who showed up at Cowboys Stadium, I'm skipping right to the Winter Olympics.
After watching the opening ceremonies and the torch spire malfunction, I had to wonder if the same person who designed that contraption was the same guy who designed the retractable roof at Olympic Stadium in Montreal back in 1976? Nelly Furtado was looking smokin' hot singing with Bryan Adams.
The NHL decides to take 2 weeks off so its players can play for their country in the Games. So how does NBC reward the league. Next Sunday it will show the USA/Canada Men's hockey game which is scheduled to air in prime time on one of its cable networks. Instead the big peacock will have figure skating on. Norman Chad of World Series of Poker fame once described figure skating this way. It's dinner theater on ice. The summer games you see swimming and gymnastics in prime time, and during the winter games its figure skating and speed skating. Nothing against any of those sports mind you.
Figure skater Johnny Weir is fearing for his life because he wears real fur on his costumes. The people who are protesting him need to get a life just like the same idiots I saw with their signs over by Centennial Circle yesterday as I was headed to the Phantoms game.
It's official. Walter Robb is selling the River Rats who are moving to Charlotte to become the AHL Checkers. I wrote this in an earlier entry. I have this uneasy feeling its another Greensboro/Carolina Monarchs waiting to happen. Had great success in the ECHL, go up to the AHL, fans don't embrace it and it flops big time. I think someone will be in the TU Center with AHL hockey next year.
After having their 15 game winning streaked snapped Friday night on ESPN2, maybe Siena should re-think playing that bracket buster game Saturday morning on the road against 13th ranked Butler on Bristol Tech.
I have to ask all the guys out there this question. Does my man card deserve to be revoked because I had no interest in the SI Swimsuit Issue?
Dove for Men soap and body washes. Is that the same as admitting to using your wife or girlfriends' Sure or Secret anti-perspirant/deodorant?
Tell Sarah Palin to go back into hiding somewhere in Alaska and not utter a word for an unspecified amount of time. Her 15 minutes of fame has been been over for I don't know how long. She just doesn't realize it yet or someone hasn't told her.
I know we need more snow here, but come on be honest. You're really loving the fact that every other part of the country is getting socked with major winter storms and snowfall for a change. What takes at least a week for them to recover from, we're back to normal in about 12 hours to 18 hours.
Last but not least. Did you notice until now I did not mention anything about Valentine's Day, my lack of female companionship, that my friends and family have different opinions than I do on the looks and personality of the females I want to and should be dating; and that I don't trust any of them to set me up. I did play "Love Stinks" though Saturday morning on Hits. That is one Valentine's tradition I'm not giving up...Leccese out.

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