Monday, March 9, 2009

No trip to Utica for me and other observations from the weekend

Hi There. Well it's official. Another high school sports season has come to an end courtesy of the stick of Marc Flory and the rest of the Pelham Pelicans. You can't win hockey games when your teams' in the penalty box and playing shorthanded. On the bright side, I don't have to go to Utica for the state hockey championships this weekend. Now there's a city that needs to be abandoned entirely or just blown up and re-built from the ground up. Got to thank all the athletic directors, coaches, booster clubs and custodial staff for the amount of co-operation we get throughout the regular season. Ladies and gentlemen, you are the best. We couldn't do it without you. F.Y.I. we aired 36 football, basketball and hockey games on "The Mighty 1450 WWSC" this year. Looking into the crystal ball for next year, we might do a couple more girls basketball and hockey games. Football practice starts up in 5 months and trust me, the time will fly by quickly.
I want to personally take this time to thank Terrell Owens for pre-empting the soap opera, "As the A-Rod Turns." The Buffalo Bills? Wow, talk about being blind sided by Lawrence Taylor coming off the edge on a blitz. If the Las Vegas sports books took wagers on who T.O. would sign with, the guy that put a couple of sheckles down on Buffalo is a very rich man right now. T.O. is one of those guys I shake my head in frustration over. When he played hoops for the Wildcats, I met him on two occasions and found him to be a really nice guy. Seriously, I wish him nothing but the best, just drop Drew Rosenhaus as your agent. He's in that Scott Boras,"I'm a bridge troll" category.
Speaking of A-Rod and his achy breaky hip, it is just me or does he remind you of the kid you knew growing up whose parents didn't give enough attention to or heap enough praise on? It's always, "Hey look what I did" or "Watch me, I can do it too and better than him."
Went to the gym yesterday and took Body Combat in the new group fitness room. The new wood floor was a little on the slick side. I was wearing basketball sneakers so I thought I'd be O.K. It wasn't the case. I was so out of sync. That can really ruin a good workout.
The 2009 vegetable garden officially starts this weekend. Everything's ready and I'll get the tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, and herbs going Saturday. I should put that in my personal ad to attract that nice looking female I'd like to go out with. On second thought, maybe not. That would probably scare 'em off and have 'em running for the hills...Leccese out.

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