Thursday, June 5, 2008

Every once in a while I'm right and other midweek musings from the Garden Boy

Hi There. Well Lord Stanley's silver cup is headed to Hockeytown, and if you remember reading an earlier edition I thought the Wings would win in 6. Bow to my greatness. I know many people are still upset about Detroit abandoning our fair city for the Shangri-la of Grand Rapids, but you got to be happy for Kris Draper, Chris Osgood and Darren McCarty. Also Ken Holland is a great guy. That's one thing I miss about the AHL not being here. Seeing the scouts and other management types. You watch games from the press box and over time you got to know them and compare notes and talk hockey. If the rumors are true that Barry Melrose is returning to coaching and taking over the Lightning, does that mean Bristol Tech will completely drop all of its hockey coverage? I'm betting they will. Now on to the Belmont Stakes and Big Brown. I'm really torn about him running the mile and a half. Part of me wants him to win the Triple Crown, while the other part is afraid that the crack in his left hoof will cause him to breakdown and that will only put more gasoline on the embers and fan the flames that those freaks who attacked the horse racing industry after Eight Belles went down lit. The other thing I find fascinating is that people are comparing Big Brown to Secretariat. What's in the water they're drinking? Seattle Slew maybe, but Secretariat I don't think so. Did anyone see the latest "Top Chef" last night? Lisa has more lives than a cat the way she's avoided elimination the past 3 weeks and all season long. She tried last night to be more likable, however the producers are making her out to be the one everybody loves to hate. They're doing a good job, cause I can't stand her and the lousy attitude. Richard Blais had the line of the night when he said, "Congratulations on winning the bronze medal." I'm rooting for you Blais. Padma was also looking real good last night. The hot weather is supposedly coming this weekend, so stay cool...Leccese out.

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