Monday, March 10, 2008

Two for the price of one

Hello again. With no local high school basketball teams playing at the Civic Center this weekend, and since we don't broadcast any spring sports like baseball, softball or lacrosse; I want to take the time say thanks to a bunch of people for helping with another successful High School Sports season. First and foremost I have to start with the Athletic Directors and Coaches who allow us to come to their schools to do a broadcast as well as getting me the schedules and rosters. During basketball season it can be sometimes difficult, since we occasionally have to run a phone line from offices down hallways and under bleachers. Just ask Cathy Stanilka or Jason Humiston. Also I have to thank the janitors at the schools. If there was another way other than duct tape to keep that phone cord in place, trust me I would use it. I also have to thank Greg Brownell and his staff at the Post Star as well as the Times Union. The stories they write make my job preparing for a game easier. I also want to say thanks the Sales Staff here at the Radio Station and the sponsors who get these games on the air. It's not as easy as you think and its a team effort. We've got a good team and I don't say it enough. Finally, I have to say thank you to the fans who listen. Well another football season is only 5 1/2 months away. Till next time...Leccese out.

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