Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Here Comes Speed Racer and EGCG

Hi There...Just to let everybody know this entry is not violating the "Bro Code." Another solid episode of "How I Met Your Mother" last night, but "Big Bang Theory" may have been better. The time machine and action figure storyline was great. Dan and John think I'm Sheldon. They're probably right. However I don't own a Geordi LaForge action figure. Wil Riker was my favorite character on Star Trek TNG. There's a part of my childhood being torn to shreds by the upcoming live action movie, "Speed Racer." Speed Racer will always be the coolest Japanese anime cartoon ever. From the Mach 5 with the design etched into the windshield, to Racer X who is really Speed's brother, Trixie, even the monkey ChimChim. The theme ranks up with cartoon's greatest. Time to sing along. "Here he comes, here comes Speed Racer, he's a Demon on wheels." "He's a demon and he's gonna be chasing after someone." I once helped a friend win a bet because I knew those words. I should try it as a pick up line. "Hi there just like Speed Racer, I'm a demon on wheels." "How would you like to be my Trixie." One more thing. I've become a Green Tea freak. I drink a cup in the morning with breakfast and down another glass iced at dinner. My favorite smoothie at Ridge Street Coffee is the Peach and Green Tea. Now I've discovered Green Tea soda flavored with Tangerine or Pomegranate. It's good stuff. Go Rangers...Leccese out.

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